Enhance your event experience!

Make your event more valuable
for you and the runners

Enhance your race event!

Make your event more valuable
for you and the runners

Offer more with Race Peps

With Race Peps, runners friends can send custom audio cheers to the runner, your customer.

But beyond that, Race Peps offers a lot of added value to your race: you can increase sponsor revenue and offer an unforgettable event for the runners. You get to reach and engage the runners’ friends in a fun and efficient way while making the race even more enjoyable to the runner with never-before-seen features.


Reach the runners in the race with your location based or LIVE audio announcements. Messages can be text-to-speech or recorded clips.


Sponsors &
Local Ads

Fun &

Route Information

Place audible messages on the course or send them LIVE to all participants.

You can give a heads up about hydration points or crossing traffic, or information about interesting sights along the route. Location based messages also work perfectly for advestising local businesses.

LIVE messaging enables race announcements: celebrity runners finishing or any other information you see valuable for the runners. Messages can be written (played with text-to-speech), or recorded audio.

Offer More Sponsor Value

Grow your sponsor revenuer by engaging runners’ friends to your event and event’s sponsors.

Friends send their cheers through Race Peps’ friends portal, where sponsor advertisement is easily visible and reached by a new audience. Instead of sponsor visibility reaching only the runners, now the whole social network engages better with the event and its sponsor.

Simple banner ads can be shown on the friends page or Race Peps could be “offered by Sponsor X”

Funniest Run Ever

Add value to the race with fun-packed celebrity cheers and pro tips.

Imagine Samuel L. Jackson cheering the runners on just before the steepest hill, or Mo Farah revealing that he actually only thinks about the ice cream kiosks during any city race. Involve your event’s ambassadors to give their tips and thoughts (serious or not). We ain’t got Sam Jackson’s cheers yet, but any celebrity would do.

Attending a race is usually the climax of months of preparation. With Race Peps you can make the event even more emotional and fun for the runner.

Race Peps’ value for runners

Runners can engage their friends to the event and enjoy outstanding features during the race.

Friends’ Cheers

Friends can leave recorded or text-to-speech messages on the route in advance, or send them LIVE!

They can also track the runner’s live location during the race.

Running Buddies

A group of runners can be notified with an audio message whenever one of their group has passed a milestone: “Frank has just passed the 3k marker”.

Friends can follow all runners on the same map too.

Messages To Self

Runner can add messages to self also on the course, eg. heads ups for energy gel intake or planned split times on real route distances (trackers and watches are always inaccurate).

Runner can also buy funny cheering packs and enjoy the event provided information about the surroundings or sightseeings.

Runners just love Race Peps!

We’ve done surveys after events and collected a lot of feedback


Love Getting

Q: Do you like the idea of Race Peps and did you love getting cheers during the race?


Makes Event More

Q: Did you feel the race event more valuable to you, when Race Peps was being offered as part of it?


Will Use Again or
Refer To A Friend

Q: Will you use Race Peps again / would you recommend Race Peps to your friends?

Recent events

Try Race Peps in your event

Send us your information and we setup your race for you! You will automatically receive a link to a Race Peps presentation slide deck. All free and without commitments.