
FAQ for Podtuna listeners

What is Podtuna?

Podtuna an app, that allows to publish podcast episodes which include music. Practically the episodes do not actually have any music in them, but Podtuna controls the Spotify app’s playback so, that it will inject the specific music tracks into the playout queue in positions the podcast host desired them to be played out.

The whole case very briefly:

First the podcast host records he show just like normal and hosts and publishes the show just like normal. But of course if music is included, host will ”introduce” and ”speak” the songs in the show. Podcast host then creates the episode in Podtuna too: first he enters the episode, where all the talk is, and then tracks with the timestamp where the songs is being played.

Listener then starts the episode in Podtuna, and Podtuna controls the Spotify app’s playout queue so, that the tracks are played out right on the spot the the host wanted them to be played. All playback is done by the Spotify app, the episode and the songs.



How to listen episodes from Podtuna

Open Podtuna, search for your show by the name of the show or by the podtag, which is a hashtag, eg. #mikkojapaavo. All episodes of the show, which has music, are listed in your Podtuna feed. Tap PLAY in the episode and thats it!

From here on, the Spotify app will play all the content, the talking part and the music playing. Podtuna handles the control of the playback, playing right songs in right places.

NOTE: You will need a Spotify Premium account to listen the Podcasts with music via Podtuna.

NOTE: To end things gently, stop the playback from the Podtuna.

NOTE: Before starting an episode in Podtuna, make sure that Spotify app is playing something in the background. Something equals to anything. The spoitfy app must be playing something for the Podtuna app to take over the control.

NOTE: you can skip the song just normally, if you don’t want to listen to it. The talk then continues from to right place, right after the song.

NOTE: You can always listen the podcast straight from Spotify app just like you’ve used to. You won’t hear the music then.





Can I skip the songs? (YES you can)

Yes you can. Just hit skip the way you’ve used to. From the screen, from the headphone buttons, from your watch, wherever.

Make sure Spotify is playing something when starting the episode

Not a real question thou and You will be reminded of this, if the playout does not start. But this is how it is: Podtuna can’t start the playout all alone, it needs the Spotify app to be on and playing something for taking the control. Just open Spotify app, start playing something, go back to Podtuna and start the episode.



Stop the episode from Podtuna!

”Why?” you ask. Because Podtuna has the control and you need to tell Podtuna to let go. So if you start suddenly listen to something else from Spotify, Podtuna still thinks you are letting it to control your playback, it might hit next and add some weird stuff in your playout queue. It wont ever break or delete or manipulate anything, so fear away, but finish things where you started it.

How is this possible? What about content rights?

Content rights are OK. Spotify takes care of the playout, and songs are coming from Spotify. Podtuna just tells Spotify what to play next. Why this has not been possible before, I don’t know, maybe we are just so bright diamonds to figure out how to manage this. All the functions are done with Spoitfy’s own available APIs and functions, so everything is done by the book. However if Spotify chooses to shut down our app, they can do it and there is nothing we can do about it. However we see that this only brings good stuff to Spotify, cause it requires a Premium Account and the music streams are just normal streams, producing money for the artists, so content rights can’t be the issue of such actions.

Podtuna is free. And no need to register.

Self-explanatory stuff. Yes, it is free and no need to register. We would not care less, who you are, sorry. Podcast host gets her/his anonymous audience data via Spotify already, and there is not much we could offer for that. Perhaps we will offer some usage data for the podcasts hosts at some point, but even then, we don’t care about you or your personal information.

A pseudonym account is created for you upon app install based on the anonymous device ID. So if you change your phone to a new one for example, you will have to re-subscribe to your podcasts in Podtuna on the new device. Sorry for that, but upon accidental or intentional device change, that is most likely the least of your problems. 🙂 And the little price to pay about 100% privacy.

FAQ for Podtuna podcasters

How to create an episode?

Unlike the listener, a podcast host must register and create an account. After registration and logging in, you can create a show for yourself in Podtuna. Upon craeation, you will also create a Podtag to your show. Podtag is an unique hashtag, which claims the published episodes to be yours. Under the show (in Podtuna), you will create an episode (in Podtuna). Let’s go through this in detail:

First of all, you don’t have to change your podcast host service or anything differently than you’ve used to. Saying that don’t record the songs while recording, that is very much illegal still! 🙂

Only thing that changes in the episode recording is that you will now have music in the show too. So make the episode just like normal and naturally you will introduce and tell the listeners that: ”OK, now we will play some music, this Future Islands song is so good, let’s listen to it!” And this is where the song would be played. You can listen it yourself while recording if you like, but the songs do not realte to actual recording at all. Continue recording the episode like this. You might want to tell the listeners that go out and download Podtuna app for free and subscribe to your show in Podtuna to hear the music. Cause that is what you want of course. 🙂

When you’ve done recording and whilst on your edit table, mark up the timestamps, in which time a song (the song) will be played. Write down a track and the time of the podcast episode, in which mark is should be played. The timestamp is the episode’s timestamp, do not count the duration of the songs anyhow!

Then publish the episode just like normal EXCEPT: add your Podtag somewhere in the episode’s description. Just the plain #podtag or to listen the episode with music, subscribe to #podtag in Podtuna to listen the episode with music. Adding the podtag is mandatory, and it is for your sake too.

Then jump to Podtuna app, and create an episode under your show. Only two things to do here:

First, copy the link to your episode from the Spotify App. Say: open Spoitfy app, find your episode, tap SHARE then COPY LINK. Then jump to Podtuna, and paste the link from clipboard to your episode field. Half of everything done.

Second: Now add the songs. Copy and paste the link to the song just like above, and give it a timestamp of in which time the playback will start. This is where you look to your notes you did earlier. Once again, never mind the actual length of the show with music at this point, only the duration of the spoken content matters here. It sounds illogical, but it is much easier this way. If you think it would be easier the other way, you are wrong. Sorry. 🙂

When you’ve done all the song additions, tap SAVE at the bottom, and all set! You subscribers in Podtuna can now start the episode from their Podtuna feed.


Why do I need the Podtag?

Good one! And happy to give the answer, cause this is for your safety.

Podtag claims that the show and the episodes are yours. First of all, you or no one else can’t publish ”Joe Rogan Experience now with music” and inject the show with their selfpicked music. So when you register a show, our super-AI robosystem checks that 1) the creator has the right for that podtag and 2) the same podtag is found in the episode description 3) some under the hood evilness management. So for the episode to show up in the Podtuna feed, the valifity and ownership is checked.

Don’t play around with the Podtags. Even if you think it would be wise to claim #JoeRogan podtag to your funny Podcast, be aware that it won’t work. Claim a podtag that is easy to find and remember, so everyone will be happy. You are doing your show to the listeners, right?

Time between songs?

Due to technical limitations, keep the talking stints after and before the song longer than the song played in between (does not apply to the last and first stint). This is otherwise OK, but if you only have short space between the songs, and the listener skips a track, his queue could break, so from there on the next song might not be the one you wanted. So if you want to play some proge gems with 15 minutes play time, make sure that you open up the story behind them after and before the track throughly, more than the actual length of the song is. Should not be too hard thing to remember, it is a talk show still.

At this point, you cannot add more than one track at a time, so no 3 concurrent hits by your favourite artist will work. Someday yes.

Free to podcasters too? (YES)

Currently yes. But who knows, if you have to pay us few bucks per a published episode in the future. But let’s enjoy everything when everything is free and happy and all.

General questions

Mikä Peps-appi on?

Peps-appi on kannustusappi juoksijoille, jotka osallistuvat juoksukisaan. Juoksijan kamut voivat lähettää terkkujaan juoksijalle, ja juoksija kuulee nämä terkut kisaa juostessaan. Pepsillä voi myös juosta virtuaalisia juoksukisoja ja valmiiksi ääniopastettuja reittejä, jotka on tehnyt joku muu tai sinä itse. Eli voit juosta joko virtuaalikisoja missä vain, ja kuulet audiosisältöä matkallasi, tai sitten voit juosta jonkun merkatun reitin, saaden käsintehtyjä kääntymisohjeita pysyäksesi reitillä – tai näiden yhdistelmiä. Pepsistä on moneen!

Voinko kuunnella musiikkia samalla?

Kyllä voit, ihan normaalisti kuten ennenkin. Kun Pepsillä on jotain sanottavaa, niin se laskee muiden volumea alaspäin ja palauttaa ne takaisin, kun on sanottavansa sanonut.

Voinko käyttää Tracker-appiani samalla?

Kyllä vaan! Voit käyttää Tracker-appiasi ihan normaalisti. Ja kannattaakin, sillä Peps ei ole Tracker-appi lainkaan, eikä tallenna ”treenejäsi” mihinkään. Käytä trackereita näihin, niitä on useita ja ne ovat hyviä.

Jotkut virtuaalikisat kuitenkin tarjoavat tulospalvelua, joten tänne tuloksesi voidaan tallentaa. Näissä tapauksissa juoksun jälkeen kysytään, haluatko lähettää suorituksesti tulospalveluun. Samalla määrittelet nimesi tai nimimerkkisi, millä näyt listoilla. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei julkaista missään, mutta kisajärjestäjällä on toki omassa näkymässää pääsy siihen, jotta tunnistetaan juoksija ja voidaan esim lähettää palkinnot jne. Pepsissä on metodeja kyllä suorituksen oikeellisuuden todentamiseen.

Tallentuuko juoksuni jotenkin?

Joo ja ei. Käytä tracker-appia treenimielessä tallenteluun, mutta Pepsiin jää kyllä jotain silti. Virtuaalikisoissa tulos voidaan tallentaa tulospalveluun ja oikeissa kisoissa saamasi terkut ja lähettämäsi emojit ja viesit jäävät reitille talteen, samoin kuin kuuntelemasi biisit. Voit sitten jälkeenpäin fiilistellä ennästysmaraasi.

GPS:n tarkkuus?

Peps käyttää puhelimen GPS:ää ja muita sen paikkatietopalveluita määrittääkseen sijaintinsa ja mitatakseen matkaa. Ja näiden mittaamiseen käytetään tosi paljon erilaisia tapoja, riippuen puhelimesi mallista ja ominaisuuksista. Peps ei tiedä kuljetusta matkasta tai sijainnista yhtään sen enempää kuin puhelimesikaan tietää.

Tästä johtuen Pepsillä mitattu matka voi olla eri kuin trackerisi matka tai vaikka kellosi tai karttamittauksesi näyttämä matka. Selvää on, että kaikki näistä ovat väärin, mutta joku niistä on lähimpänä todellisuudessa kulkemaasi matkaa, mitä ei tietenkään kukaan oikeasti edes tiedä (kysehän on vain mittauksen tarkkuudesta, että onko tavoite juosta 10km vai 10,00000000000 km). Pepsin matkamittaus toimii kuitenkin oikein hyvin. Jos se näyttää väärin, niin puhelimesi on kuvitellut kulkeneesi sen matkan.

Peps on hauska appi, eikä mikään NASA-tason matkanmittausinstrumentti – eikä jouksusuorituksesi ole myöskään, oletan.

Voinko tarkistaa sijaintini?

Jo vain! Juoksun aikana voit Pepsin kartasta katsoa, missä olet kartalla ja reitillä (jos kisalla / lenkillä on reitti määritelty). Joissain virtuaalikisoissa on tarjolla myös virtuaalinen kartta, mikä näyttää että missä menisit oikealla kisareitillä.


Kun reitti tai kisa on aloitettu ja reitti ladattu, Peps toimii siitä lähtien myös ilman nettiyhteyttä. Totta kai jos haluat LIVE-viestejä kamuilta tai että he näkevät sijaintisi, nettiä tarvitaan. Mutta kulutus ei ole lainkaan suurta tai edes merkittävää, joten ei huolta (eikä Suomessa nyt tartte huolehtia asiasta muutenkaan :). Mutta ulkomailla voit esim ladasta valmiin reitin hotellin wifistä, käynnistää opeastuksen ja mennä ilman nettiä siitä eteenpäin. Ääniviestejä ei myöskään ladata moneen kertaan, eli jos viesti löytyy jo luuristasi, niin sitä ei ladata uudestaan.

Miten notifikaatiot toimii?

Kaikki kirjoitetut viestit tulevat myös notifikaatioina eli ilmoituksina. Eli kaikki kirjoitetut terkut tai kääntymisoohjeet tulevat myös urheilukelloosi, jos se tukee notifikaatioita Bluetoothin yli. Voit säätää Pepsin asetuksista, puhutaanko vai lähetetäänkö vain ilmoitukset vai molemmat. Voit testata ominaisuutta asetuksista, painamalla Äänitesti-nappia ja sulkemalla puhelimen näytön -> ilmoitus pitäisi pian lentää kelloosi.

Huomaa, että äänitetyt viestit eivät kulkeudu kelloon mitenkään. Voit toki pitää puhelinta taskussa ja volat kaakossa, jos et jaksa kuulokkeet korvilla juosta 🙂


Me emme ole pahiksia ja tietosi ovat turvassa. Alla lyhyesti ja käytännönläheisesti, miten me tietojasi käsittelemme ja miksi:

Tallennamme sijaintiasi ainoastaa silloin, kun sinulla on kisa päällä. Tämä siksi, että kuljettu reitti ja sijainti voidaan näyttää kamuille ja myös sinulle kisan jälkeen. Ja tämä siis vain kun olet itsellesi luonut kisatapahtuman ja kun olet käynnistänyt ko. kisan painamalla play. Muuten meitä ei voisi sinun sijantisi tai muut tiedot kiinnostaa, sori vaan. Appi toki tartvitsee sijaintiasi toimiakseen esim. virtuaalilenkeillä ja mitatakseen juostua matkaa, mutta ei se sitä minnekään tallenna ja lähetä. Se vaan käyttää sitä.

Meillä on käytössä kolmannen osapuolen kirjastoja ja systeemejä analysoimaan apin käyttöä. Facebook ja Google (Firebase Analytics) tarjoavat tällaista palvelua ja niitä toki käytämme – ihan kuten miljoonat muutkin apit. Ja käytämme siksi, että voisimme parantaa palveluamme jatkossa perustuen siihen, miten ihmiset sitä käyttävät. Lisäksi keräämme Spotifysta kuunneltuja biisejä, mutta nämä vain anonyymisti toki, ja tarkoituksena ehkä jossain kohtaa tehdä lista kunnelluimmista biiseistä jossain kisassa.

Rekisteröinnin yhteydessä  tarvitsemme email-osoitteesi. Mutta emme spämmää emmekä anna sitä muille. Emmekä edes lähetä uutiskirjeitä. Voit aina ottaa meihin yhteyttä ja mekin voimme ottaa yhteyttä sinuun, jos palvelun käytön kannalta näemme sen tarpeelliseksi. Ja tarpeellisuus voi olla sellaista, että havaitsemme joko epäilyttävää käyttäytymistä käyttäjältä tai sitten vaan että joku käyttäjäpoloinen tarvitsee apua, eikä vaan tohdi pyytää.

Race Events

Cheering in race events

This is the fundamental idea of the Peps app. The flow is like this:

Runner will create a unique race event for self in the Peps app.

App creates a unique event link (starts with friends.pepsapp.com) and the runner simply sends this link to her/his friends, using whatever method the Runner wants (messages, email, social media, whatever).

Friends will open the link, and can send their cheers on that web page, using desktop or mobile browser.

The created race event appears for the runner in the Peps app too, and when the race is about to begin, the runner just starts the race and cheers will roll and will be played via the headphones (and/or written messages sent as notifications to any connected sports watch).

Creating the race in detail

For creating the race you need to give a name to your race and then the distance. These are mandatory, but all you have to do.

he distance is there for the friends to set the limits for at what distance they want their message be played. If the friend does not choose any distance marker for the message, the system will place it randomly at some distance point. You can find the shareable link in the app, by opening tapping the share button on the map view. Just copy the link and paste it wherever you choose to.

Please note that anyone who has the link, can send you cheers and see your location in the race! There is an antispam detection for the suspicious actions to prevent bot attacks etc., but anyone who got the link, can send you messages anonymously. If we would put it behind registration, friends would not register. And evil people would anyways register with some hidden identity. But we all  hang out with nice people only, so this is not a big risk.

TIP: Create your race like a week in advance, so friends do have time to leave their messages. Then remind them the day before and maybe just before the start, for the online people to watch your run online. For the friends everything is very easy, everything will happen in the one and only unique race link you sent to them. When you’ve started your race, they will see you are LIVE and send live messages; when the race is not on in your app, they have the chance to leave the messages in advance and they will placed “on the course” by distance. It is all automatical.

Sending cheers

As said, Friends do not need the app or any kind of registration. They just open the unique friends-link, and everything is done there. Cheers can be either recorded or they can be written in any language. Recorded cheers are played out just like that, written ones are spoken by a top-notch speech synthesis by Google. With written cheers, practically any language can be used, the system recognises the language automatically and speaks it properly in that language.

NOTE: If the friends link is opened inside eg. Facebook app’s browser, friends cannot leave audio messages. This is due to the microphone permissions with Facebook in-app browser. Friends need to open the link in real browser, like Chrome or Safari (mobile or desktop) for audio recording to work. Friends will get a notifications about this, when they tap the link eg. in Facebook app, and encouraged to open it in a real browser. There is nothing else we could do about it but just trying to tell the user that USE A REAL BROWSER!

For anti-spam actions, there might be the usual a Google’s re-captcha challenge displayed for the friends, this only for the security purposes, so evil bots won’t flood your race or harm our systems.

All anonymous

Since the friends do not need to register, they can send messages anonymously. They can set the sender field how they like. Other friends cannot ever see other friends’ messages. Runner cant either see the messages until the race is over (race being over condition is met, when the race is started in Peps and kept on for a while).

LIVE cheers

On the friends link, friends can send their cheers in advance prior the race or live during the race. If the race is on, (you’ve started it in the app), all sent cheers will be played out immediately. If the cheers a re left in advance to the race, friend can choose the distance, at which point the cheers are being played (or if not, they are just played at some random point / passed distance). 

LIVE Tracking

Friends will se your live location on the map, when you’ve started the race. Location is real-time + approx 10 sec delay. So it is not approximated anyhow. Friends will also see the time lapsed and ran distance. These counters are calculated from the point runner  started the race (tapped GO!). Distance is calculated by the app and uses the phone’s GPS and location services to determine it.

Runner’s messages to friend

Runner can send messages to friends also. Runner can either just send an emoji or record a voice message. This message or emoji will be visible (or playable) on the friends page (the unique race link) at the location point it was sent. Everyone having access to the unique friends link will see the message you’ve sent. If Spotify integration is enabled, a little marker of played song is also placed on the map, at the point of playback started.

Spotify Integration

Runner’s friends can also send Spotify tracks to the runner. Instead of playing a cheering message, a track is being placed in the play queue of the Spotify player app. 

Runner will get a little audio notification of this, and the sent track is next in the play queue. So it will be played next after the currently playing song, or you can skip the current song to play it immediately. After the sent track, the queue will continue playing normally, so the next song will be from your playlist OR if someone sent you more tracks in the meanwhile, it will be played next. You can always skip the sent track by just skipping to next song. You will control the playback just normally via the Spotify app (you may use the earplug buttons or whatever), Peps just adds the tracks in to the Spotify player app’s queue. If you start a new playlist in the Spotify app, the queue will be flushed too.

NOTE: You need the Spotify Premium subscription to use the feature. 

Sending Spotify tracks

Friends just copy the link to the song from their spotify player and then paste the link in to the Spotify field on the friends portal message sending box. this can be done live or in advance, just like normal messages.

After the race

Runner can see all the sent messages and download the audio files at the runner portal on the web. Simply go to planner.pepsapp.com, log in and choose your race. There you will see all the messages and download the recorded ones and also see your sent emojis and Spotify tracks.

Cost – The Race Pass

Unless the race event organizer has chosen to offer Peps for free to all their attendees, you will have to purchase the Race Pass for you to listen to the cheers sent to you. In practise, you cant tap GO! in the race map view, if you haven’t made a purchase.

If the race organizer offers Peps free for the runners at their event, the GO! button will be enabled when you are near by the race area. So at the latest, when you are at the start line, the GO! button is enabled. You can find these free zones and races in the race map view.

Purchased Race Pass is valid 8 days from the purchase, so just make the purchase couple of days before the actual race and you’re good to go. During this 8 days period, you can run as many races you like, you superhuman!

If you don’t buy the Race Pass, you won’t hear any of the friends’ cheers, but You can still create the race and friends can leave their cheers in advance and everything, but tapping GO! is not possible until you’ve done the purchase. So you can just before the race choose, if you want to hear the cheers or not. And if you don’t buy the Race Pass, all the cheers will stay hidden forever. Sorry!

If you are using Peps as free by the organizer, keep in mind that there might be audible content offered to you by the organizer, which will be played out along side the friends’ cheers. Usually these things makes the Peps free to use for you, meaning sponsor mentions and other fun. You can always make your own event and buy the Race Pass not to hear these.

Virtual and guided runs

What are Virtual Runs?

With Peps you can also run virtual runs or guided / waymarked routes. These runs do not involve any friends’ cheering by default, but readymade audio messages for eg. running pre-marked routes with audio turn-by-turns or virtual runs with audio entertainment. These messages could be location-based or distance based, written or recorded. Means that you can either run a pre-marked route with turn-by-turn instructions and other info played out right on the spot or giving some audio entertainment after some distance ran, no matter where you run.

What is Route Code?

You can subscribe to these pre-made routes by entering a route code in the app. You got the route code from the race organizer or somewhere else. After entering the route code, your route list will always show the routes, which can be found behind that route code. You can subscribe to many route codes, and route code is entered only once. If new routes are added behind the code or messages are somehow modified, you always have the latest data automatically without any extra work and effort.

Open the app, check that Virtuals / Guided is chosen at the bottom bar and tap the plus button (+) ad enter the route code. Then choose the route you would like to run and tap GO!

Open route from the web

A pre-made route can be also started from a web page. When you have Peps installed on your phone and open the route from a web page (where the selection of routes is displayed), Peps will launch and it will open the route rightaway and you’re good to go by just tapping GO! When opening a route from the web, you don’t need to register at all.

Selfmade guided routes

You can create an audio-guided route for yourself too. Simply go to planner.pepsapp.com log in and follow the instructions there. Simply put: Import the route as GPX, add own messages along the route. Open Peps app, choose your created routes, open the route and tap GO!